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Here are some of the humanitarian aid and social awareness projects that the Honduran Children’s Rescue Fund has assisted in to help children in Honduras.

  • Honduran children who have been assisted by humanitarian aid
    Located about an hour outside of Tegucigalpa, Nuevo Paraíso is a rural community of homes, schools, and activity centers for over 100 children in Honduras. Originally a small community for single mothers and their children, it has transformed into...
  • Students at the Reyes Irene Valenzuela School for Girls
    Located in Tegucigalpa, the Reyes Irene Valenzuela School for Girls was founded to eradicate widespread child labor in Honduras, offering primary and secondary accelerated education, health education, as well as humanitarian aid services such as healthcare,...
  • Santa Rosa de Lima Clinic provides humanitarian aid
    The Santa Rosa de Lima Clinic is located in Nuevo Paraíso, Honduras and serves not only the community of Nuevo but the regional population as well. Inaugurated in 2000, it is a primary-care facility for approximately 60,000 inhabitants. The Santa...